Duration 20:9

American police vs Chinese police. Strangulation techniques for law enforcement

21 282 watched
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Published 18 Jun 2020

Q&A with the coach. Shanghai based MMA coach & Kunlun Fight ringside commentator Ramsey Dewey answers questions from the fans. Our friend Talent Dance TV wants to know my thoughts on police restraining suspects with strangulation techniques, and how training in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu potentially factors into the equation. Comparing and contrasting the methods of Chinese law enforcement officers with their American counterparts.


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Comments - 546
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    @Domzdream4 years ago Ramsey, i think you hit the nail on the head when you said - police have too much power to do the wrong thing, and not enough power to do the right thing. Well said! 58
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    @brokeheartwolf37334 years ago Shrfu. Once again. Spot on.
    i wont say details but in a law enforcement training session our fbi instructor taught us that it was easier to m id="hidden2"ake an arrest if you were polite and courteous. Too bad that technique has gone the way of the dinosaur
    . ...Expand 85
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    @ManCar_4 years ago Getting mistaken for a criminal because you' re bald. That' s straight out of one punch man lmao. 197
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    @mattybones15964 years ago Man im glad to hear that voice after seeing all this hate online today. My heart is breaking for our country here. But i got a notification from my z id="hidden3"en master and i think ill be able to sleep now. Dont know if you know how much we appreciate your perspective but we do. Greatly. I need a ramsey dewey narrated bedtime album lol. Take care coach. ...Expand 53
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    @targetfootball78074 years ago I moved into an apartment without notifying the authorities once in china. Scared the crap out of me. But cops in china seemed pretty reasonable, as far . ...Expand 42
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    @stanleylee53584 years ago When jason statham, bruce willis, and patrick stewart tell you there' s fear in police interactions, you listen.
    my first time facing an armed that memory has colored my interactions with police ever since then. ...Expand
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    @stevebrindle17243 years ago As usual good sense from ramsey. I always come away from watching and listening to him feeling that i have learned something useful. 2
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    @avva40904 years ago You are one of my absolute favorite people on youtube and you articulate your point so well. Being black in america i feel pressured to feel a certain it is my opinion that qualified immunity, the judge-made law that allows for so many incidents of unjustified violence to go unpunished, along with the practice of not allowing individual officers to be sued for incidents of gross misconduct (instead its taxpayer money that gets paid out in settlements) are the core legal issues that need to be addressed. The culture of police union groups and ' warrior cop' mentality as i have seen it termed are also alarming and need to be addressed. I appreciate the insight regarding policing in china, so much about our cultures are different, but clearly there are things that us police institutions could learn about earning the public trust rather than demanding it at gunpoint. I only hope the relationship isn' t too far gone to be salvaged. ...Expand 8
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    @rangikumatsumoto804 years ago I was born in alaska, that means that at 5 years old, i got a single shot. 22 for my birthday and learned how to shoot it. I served in the us army, and my issue is that people think it is because of guns. It' s not. It' s because of social programs that means being unable to feed your family or yourself doesn' t exist. Free medical treatment, employers can' t fire you because you get sick. Americans need stability. They need to stop using socialism as a swear word and realize that without some, and i stress some, social programs, america is never going to get better.
    it isn' t about getting something for free. It' s about making sure when life throws you a curve ball, your only option isn' t crime
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    @nurse4254 years ago When sifu ramsey speaks i drop what i' m doing! The master is preaching! 31
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    @krobara4 years ago " stop! Tap! Let go!
    my favorite moment in your whole channel xd.
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    @alexanderschmolke87964 years ago For me being a teacher for law enforcement in a forensic psychiatry a very precious video. Thank you, coach, and greetings from germany. 2
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    @germanshepherdlover26132 years ago Love your videos ramsey, always good food for thought. Always engaging topics. Stay safe brother, cheers from australia.
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    @HowardAltEisen4 years ago Heyo ramsey, long time viewer here!
    just wanted to clarify a little on the " defund the police" slogan; even though some people do want otherwise, though, agreed on most points! I can' t imagine what it' d be like not to have this current culture of fear, but i bet it' d be way more comfortable than what we' ve got now.
    thanks as always for the thoughts!
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    @JoanieKennedy4 years ago World has gotten so crazy i want to move to a different planet. 27
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    @Voronza4 years ago " if you give people enough power - someone will abuse it" and then it started in my head: sweet dreams are made of thi-is. Who am i to disagreee. 18
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    @danrogers47954 years ago I hope that they pass legislation that requires cop' s to be in atleast decent physical shape (checking every 3 to 6 months to make sure they are staying . ...Expand 87
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    @Andrew-yl7lm4 years ago Indeed, i' m in shanghai currently and i' ve been out here for years studying. It' s the safest place i' ve ever been. More than anywhere in . ...Expand 30
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    @tzaeru4 years ago Here in finland, both police and security officers (security officers being e. G. Bouncers, mall guards, festival security, etc. They all need a common thislist of taught techniques is meant to kind of give an example of what' s appropriate for reasonable use of force in securing an arrest. Now there' s a small catch - it' s not the same thing if you' re using force in line of duty vs using force in self-defense. So, if you' re doing sec, and from some reason you have to escort someone out, and they start resisting, and you can' t get them down safely, and they attack you, it may turn the situation from force use to self defense. And self defense has its own legislation. In the sec training i went through, we looked into examples of when a situation is force use and when a situation is self defense. If the situation hasn' t deteriorated to self defense, it' s never acceptable to e. G. Do hard takedowns, chokes or punch someone. And if it has gone into the territory of self defense, it' s obviously still not allowed to cause permanent injury with intent. Of course if you end up doing a single leg takedown on a violent person and they hit their head, yeah that can lead to permanent injury, but as long as it was already in self defense, you may get a pass. I think the system is pretty nice in that regard. ...Expand 2
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    @RayTheProducer3 years ago Truly illuminating, thoughtful and educated analysis. Much respect. Perspective is everything. I hope more people, especially in law enforcement, watch this video and pause to think for a moment.
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    @LewisHosie4 years ago Thanks for this video ramsey. Westerners (myself included) usually default to the idea of chinese police as bloodthirsty political enforcers, so hearing . ...Expand 4
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    @jerryleemelton18604 years ago Thanks for sharing your stories and perspective. Its really valuable eye opening to hear. 1
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    @AllWriteSoft4 years ago I have so much respect for you sifu ramsey! This was well said! 2
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    @ChateauLonLon2 years ago Lately i' ve been really enjoying your content, and i think you' re an incredibly fine man. I can tell you are a calm soul, and i find myself taking 1. Toward the end you said jiu-jitsu would be a good martial art for leo to practice. I was hoping you could expand on that? Are there any particularor even other martial arts you might recommend? This was an excellent video, but i think it might' ve veered a little off course!
    2. These are just sort of my own thoughts, but i must admit i too was on the side of " defund the police" sort of, anyway. I really pushed for reform and divestment of their funds to put back into their communities. I think there' s a lot of branding issues around the " defund the police" slogan, and i don' t think it really represents the idea as well as it could. For me and many others, the police is more about stripping back the money used on paramilitary equipment and weapons training (which is seldom used or overemphasized to give the cops shiny toys, and then pouring those funds into rebuilding impoverished communities.
    the jobs of police would be stripped down too so they can narrow their focus too. Do we really need traffic cops? It' s like in the medieval era when barbers styled hair and performed minor surgeries. Eventually, people figured those surgeries should just be done by somebody else. Delegating theof leo to new jobs would create jobs and allow leo to focus more on investigative work or what have you.
    and of course i' m all for police reform. Their training is too focused on weapons training and not enough on community building, dealing with mental health crises, etc. And you yourself noted that american police are just especially aggressive. That speaks to a real problem with how leo officers are vetted, and how many really don' t deserve the power they have.
    i will admit that many people are all for abolishing the police, and i can' t say i go that far. A previous girlfriend i had was. Though when i spoke to her, it was my understanding that many who want to " abolish police" don' t actually want no law enforcement at all. Rather, they believe the system and training methodologies are so, so flawed that it' s probably just better to start over from the ground up. There are certainly many people who don' t want police at all, but i think they' re a pretty tiny minority.
    anyways, sorry for the rant. You just seem like a really thoughtful guy, and if you read this i hope i got you to think too. Bless, and all the best
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    @TilveranWrites4 years ago Great chat. Fascinating that the chinese police are so nice in such a large city, it says a lot of good things about their culture. 3
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    @chrisinvictus12304 years ago I started judo when i was 8.
    one think the coach said in one of my first classes was: where the head goes, there goes the body.
    this hammered . ...Expand 1
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    @chriswindham18224 years ago Interesting fact about american cops; 1 and 5 are military veterans. I was an 18b in us army. After i got out, people remarked on how rude i had become. i don' t know what its like to be a cop, but i feel i can empathize a little. I understand what its like for people to not know about your job until they do it themselves. ...Expand 2
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    @charlesbrockman32994 years ago Love this. Love you man. You' ve answered my questions and more.
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    @maryvaughan4104 years ago You have a great speaking voice. I enjoy your views on life. Keep up the good work.
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    @giovannip.14334 years ago Just like you find mcdojos, you can find mcpolice officers. Training, aptitude and wages - all of which tend to be lacking in many civil services and servants. . ...Expand 19
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    @Dr_V4 years ago My grandfather, who was a police officer between the 1950s and late 80s, had extensive jiu jitsu training. I first learned about that as he was long retired . ...Expand 1
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    @Florence00pi4 years ago Hey ramsey, that was a great video. I just want to comment that anytime i (from germany) see a video of police violence in the usa, there are usually tons they also never seem to have heard of what first aid is when they just walk past an old man bleeding on the ground not giving a crap. Or in any other cases for that matter.
    i did however appreaciate the storys of the sheriff in your home town that everyone knew. Maybe that is the key to reducing crime a bit in the big cities. More personal contact and knowing your policethere are so many kind hearted good police officers in the us as well, that rarely get youtube fame, even though they would deserve it (and some do get it and it' s always nice to watch)
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    @michelb89764 years ago Has any one ever told you that you look like ramsey dewey (at least as haircut goes) 13
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    @quarkedupphoton2364 years ago Interesting perspective mr dewey. Thanks.
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    @user-ko3vg7fc7o4 years ago You dont look like anyone but billy zane coach! And i figured it out! Its not the bald head, it your menancing eyebrows! Very phantom-esque. 22
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    @collinsequeira61604 years ago Hey coach!
    my brother and i were talking about this just yesterday and i said basically the same thing " bjj would be a good place to start" . ...Expand 1
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    @nurse4254 years ago I think what all of us should keep in mind is that in any group there will always be a minority within said group that are the " bad apples" . ...Expand 4
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    @stupidpol4 years ago Oh, man, i now feel you. It' s not just about getting bold.
    last month i gave my cv to a few people including my friends for a check and put i' m sure that i don' t look like carrie-anne moss.
    i even have a pixie hair-cut and use very little makeup, while her photo was with long hair and makeup.
    all 7 people who saw cv commented that i look great. My best friend whom i did not see for a year said that long hair fit me nicely. My ex did not notice that' s not me. 5 team-mates who saw me in front of them, also did not notice that it' s not me.
    it seems that the moment when haircut changes and makeup applied, people turn completely blind towards facial features.
    if they see discrepancies they immediately attribute it to hairstyle and makeup effect
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    @angelmirchev84334 years ago So i live in london and i' ve had multiple encounters with police officers and they' ve never been anything, but respectful and professional with . ...Expand 3
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    @mmma52614 years ago Being afraid from servant you hired to protect you. 30
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    @WingChunGungFu4 years ago All cops need to be purple belts or higher in brazilian jiu-jitsu - they would be able to truly maintain control of suspects and use non-lethal force which . ...Expand 8
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    @Eisschranck4 years ago I' ve really enjoyed your perspective from inside china. Could you talk about how daily life in china is in one of your future videos? I want to spend . ...Expand
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    @Dale_The_Space_Wizard4 years ago I had the exact opposite problem to you when i was younger. The police would stop me constantly for having long hair. The presumption being that long-haired . ...Expand 1
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    @chrisswanson23784 years ago Was the restaurant at bridal veil falls there? I love that waterfall but wish i could have seen it back then.
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    @TheAirborneKite4 years ago One thing often overlooked in using chokes for law enforcement (and self defense i suppose) is that if you put someone in a choke and they haven' t in the same way that a fighter needs to practice chokes on a resisting opponent, a police officer would need to practice chokes on a panicking opponent, for everyone' s safety. I don' t know if that' s doable in a safe, ethical and realistic way. ...Expand 6
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    @RenegadeVile4 years ago Here in the belgium, the police are also generally polite, helpful and friendly; generally also lenient if you' ve just made an honest mistake (accidentally . ...Expand 2
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    @stupidpol4 years ago There was a research (unfortunately cannot remember in which journal exactly it was published) individuals were randomly selected and asigned into a position turned out that individuals into a position of power become less capable to distinguish face features in comparison tofolks, and in comparison to themselves beforesomehow a position of power affects humans' capability to distinguish faces. ...Expand
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    @marcusnewey82874 years ago Ramsey, " defund the police' is a simplistic slogan that covers a wide range of arguments and suggestions, for a reasoned discussion of what it . ...Expand
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    @obliqueapplications88814 years ago Environment and culture are such huge factors and they both are in a sense one and the same and influence each other.
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    @mohammadtausifrafi82772 years ago Thank you for the honesty. A problem with guns is, they are almost entirely offensive weapons. Guns are not like armors, using guns for defense is actually . ...Expand
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    @Manta6654 years ago I always love listening to your commentaries on any topic. But please, check up on what " defund the police" is actually referring to and that it does not mean we should just abandon all order. Have a great day!
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    @simplestrum4 years ago I keep getting you confused with master wong. 10
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    @blockmasterscott4 years ago Only thing i can say is that the grass is always greener on the other side. 14
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    @BellowDGaming4 years ago Been playing a videogame called sleeping dogs, it' s set on hong kong police there don' t arrest you with guns unless you have one, they arrest you with tasers and martial arts. Great game. 1
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    @THEANPHROPY4 years ago Thank you for the upload bro. I think you are the spitting image of sir patrick stewart:
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    @opticnurv3 years ago Amazing voice, storytelling was good too.
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    @cleebe8234 years ago If you look at nyc*[edit: i meant la] the police get more than 50% of the cities funds, period. Defund doesn' t mean get rid of entirely, it means imagine if it was done properly, instead of police departments getting armed forces mine sweepers and apcs, the public could have gyms, mental health services, educational programs etc. Reduce the amount of potential criminals, reduce the need for so much police funding. The whole system as it is currently set up is a vicious circle. Imagine growing up in a city, no decent role models, family or community, and then learning that half of the funding is spent keeping you in your place. Misdemeanor offences leading to prison time, false arrests that poor people can' t fight against meaning they can' t get any employmentmakes it difficult to exist in any positive capacity. Many people aren' t going to play the game by those rules, and it' swhy bother when you know you' re set up to fail.
    if you look into defunding it its not insane. I' m from england and the idea of the police having 50% of a cities funding, to me, is insane.
    also do american police really need funding for " warriorand to be sent to israel for " military combatfrom what i can tell they could benefit more from some discipline and de-escalation techniques
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    @drivebye27094 years ago What kind of hold would you use on someone who wasn' t resisting arrest or going for your weapon?
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    @falseprofiteer85674 years ago I' m also a bald, white guy. Just last week as i was getting into my car at a gas station, i heard a woman in the car next to me saying something about i said, " rapey? Okay. " then considered whether or not i should engage with what appears to be a potentially significant case of crazy. The guy in her passenger seat looked extremely uncomfortable and explained, from texas. " not sure what that has to do with anything since most people i' ve known from texas were not a-holes. Anyway, i settled onmess with crazy" and just drove away. Of course, the rest of the day was spent trying to keep my pride in check for not having insulted her back. I at least should have warned that dude he should get far away from that girl.
    yet to be confused for a criminal by a cop, so i' ll count my blessings
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    @ac56234 years ago The first line of beijing' s law enforcement is the aunty on her stool at the street corner, nothing gets past them. 3
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    @ChrisCapoccia4 years ago Also there are a lot of cities with police use of force rules that either completely prohibit " neckor only allow them as an survive the encounter. Quotes are for special jargon common in these official use of force documents. " neckincludes many different things and not just jiu jitsu chokes. Technique" does not mean the officer doesn' t know anything, just that it' s not part of police training curricula and police are taught how to resolve situations with other techniques. Especially at this time of renewed attention on american police tactics, people should look up the police use of force policy for their police and if it doesn' t represent what they want police doing, there are elected officials discussing changes. ...Expand
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    @turtlemaster76974 years ago Should i learn 2 martial arts at the same time or would it be better to focus on one? And if i want to learn something new how should i go about doing it?
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    @samoppedisano39944 years ago The idea of abusing power is universally applicable. Is it worth taking away power to guarantee that nobody abuses it? This i think is the essence of id="hidden39" vsand one that america is struggling with particularly right now. ...Expand 1
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    @jpssteveshanahan95724 years ago And after all that he didn' t even apologize? You guys should have pressed charges. 1
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    @bevrek4 years ago It wasn' t until i did a bit of traveling in the 90' s that i realized, we have no fear of the police in the uk. It' s rare, but people are injured . ...Expand 1
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    @ChrisCapoccia4 years ago The difference between sport choking and police choking is the fight parameters and presence of a ref. In sport, you are not actually trying to control . ...Expand
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    @johnlannet33704 years ago I like the idea of them training so they can control the techniques as well as themselves. Any martial artist knows you need to control yourself to control . ...Expand
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    @digs12234 years ago It' s really a very simple equation, diversity + proximity = conflict.
    in the us' case that means the militarisation of the police among other problems.
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    @kevingray49802 years ago For defunding the police, much of the question is not about budget from taxpayer dollars but civil forfeiture, whereby police are incentivized to seize . ...Expand
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    @jonathonsayre48794 years ago The thing about police is that they deal with the craziest and most drugged up people in existence. Now that a police officer cannot choke, they have to . ...Expand 1
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    @josephk.42004 years ago Interested for your opinion. Ill edit when i finish.
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    @LearnTheLandScandinavia4 years ago Hey ramsey what do you think about how lots of bjj guys are trying to push the whole bjj should be required for law enforcement agenda? I this isnt the r . ...Expand
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    @a.morais11864 years ago If you think the police in usa is violent, please i invite you to come to brazil. You are gonna love it.
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    @egm01egm4 years ago Did you tried to punish that officer? Did you tried to address to supervising body (prosecutor etc. I don' t know, who controls police in that state) 1
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    @jeffreyhuang38144 years ago Knee on back is a legitimate technique done to help the restrainer handcuff the man. In floyd' s case, we see 5 critical mistakes.
    1. Floyd 2. Knee on back not knee on neck.
    3. When floyd went unconscious, the officer persisted with the pressure.
    4. No one attempted cpr on floyd when he was found to have no pulse. No one, except the paramedics. Cpr performed bynever works unless there is continuous cpr from when the person has no pulse to the time the paramedics arrive. If you wait for them to come and then perform cpr then 20 minutes have passed and the person is lost. Lost to inaction.
    5. Failure to properly inform dispatch of floyd' s condition. The paramedics did not have aed because they weren' t informed of the severity of floyd' s condition. A second ambulance had to bring it.
    however, the man was already cuffed, making the move redundant. I find it strange he persisted even after being filmed and witnessed by so many
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    @borgshadow134 years ago This whole situation and discussion is so odd to hear as a european, where most police are professional and polite (in my country we even have the saying . ...Expand 4
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    @johnyricco12203 years ago One time i tried to give myself a haircut. I messed up and had to shave my head. I went out for a walk at night and a woman was taking out her trash while . ...Expand
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    @louisodendaal62004 years ago Once a person is handcuffed the fight is over. You handcuff him put him down on his stomach and that' s it. No further restraint needed. Very few people . ...Expand
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    @klyok4 years ago I need to actually thank all of these bald film actors that made baldness
    because almost the first thing i happened to hear from my family when they saw me shaved-bald was " are you nazi? " and my fellow mates in the university in first year or two were thinking that i am somehow related to some violent groups in my country. D.
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    @elduende3674 years ago Location 3x. Differ strokes. Differ jurisdiction.
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    @mjsuarez794 years ago Part of the problem is people accept their explanations and leave it at that. What did you do about it? Did you file a complaint? If you did, did follow . ...Expand
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    @lionelluney30634 years ago Defund don' t mean to literally defund it means relocate certain funds to resources that can better serve the community. 1
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    @ShinFahima4 years ago Hey, here' s a random question. Why don' t mma fighters and boxers kiai in the ring?
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    @firun26354 years ago As a german, i kind of believe that the american police reacts like that because the likelihood of a suspect being armed is comparatively high. In germany, . ...Expand
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    @calebkempf12254 years ago In your opinion, what is different about china that allows their police officers to be able to be that trusting?
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    @AlekseyVitebskiy4 years ago I' ve had a cop pull a gun on me because i put my hand in my pocket. That was a long, long time ago, 1998 or end of 1997 i think. I guess i should' ve . ...Expand
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    @glassexperience4 years ago I watched a joe rogan and jocko willink podcast the other day and they agreed that every police officer should be a purple belt in jiujitsu.
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    @edgarscottkarmacho4 years ago I agree on forcing policemen into learning and practicing martial arts, if you think about it most of the cases where an abuse of power took place occurred . ...Expand
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    @chopsueykungfu4 years ago Defund and abolish are two different things. We are at a 25 year all time low for violent crime. The time to panic was in the 1990' s. There is no need . ...Expand
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    @Fernando-ek8jp3 years ago Defund =/= abolish though. There is no reason for the high level of combat gear quite a precincts have, and not every civil problem requires an armed officer . ...Expand
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    @Monster-gr8on4 years ago You are right about the white privilege thing. Even here in sweden where we don' t have remotely the same problem with the police as in the us, i still . ...Expand 1
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    @mynameismynameis6664 years ago I really like their grabstick approach, while it may be a little degrading to be treated like a rabid stray dog, it is way less physical and less prone to injury.
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    @Annokh4 years ago Mr. Dewey, you' ve said the police has too much power to do wrong things and not enough power to do right things. What do you think are the latter?
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    @sakura6084 years ago Incredible how much safer a country can be when everyone' s basic needs like food, housing, healthcare, and employment are met with affordable or free government programs.
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    @trdi4 years ago In my home country all police officers carry guns, but there are no problems with people getting shot. They need to have a special reason to draw the gun they also have 3500+ hours of training before they get the uniform. Compare this to 600 hours mostly in usa (and in some us states as low as 350 hours)
    part of the training is modified jujitsu training. Modifications are aimed at subduing people in a safe and efficient manner. They don' t go through every trick in the book aimed at fighting other jujitsu fighters but are instead training how to subdue people that don' t have knowledge of jujitsu. Lots of extremity control from what i can see, it can be very efficient, of course. Also they are applying more force and more restrictive techniques the more the person fights back. I have never seen any choke-holds being used.
    one interesting thing that i' m noticing now with us mess, is that european countries in general have riot police squads that are highly trained. They get constant training from controlling sport events, i guess. Sport hooliganism is not a thing in us. The way they move and act is kind of a work of art (i' ve watched it from only few meters distance and felt perfectly safe) from the moment two word order is issued to the moment the guy was locked at the back of the van. It couldn' t have been more than 4 seconds. The entire squad of 6-7moved in a synchronized manner, everyone knew exactly where to go, what to do, what to grab